Upcoming Introductory Seminars in 2025
This year we are elated to offer two Comprehensive Introductory seminars for students. One seminar will take place here in Portland and the other will take place in Saint Louis, Missouri. Please find details below and please note that the seminar taking place in Saint Louis will be a 4-Day Seminar and the seminar taking place in Portland will be a 5-Day Seminar.
The four day course is tailored to a more rapid immersion in the foundations of Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis, while the five day course allows us to take a more spacious approach. We strongly believe that the study of pulse diagnosis can be included in a lifetime of study of our shared medicine and would invite students who have taken the four day seminar, to try out a five day, and likewise, invite students who have taken a five day to sometime try out the four day format. We believe both formats hold great value and are more offered for the purpose of creating a different type of feeling in what is a very deep and thorough dive into our system.
A 4-Day Comprehensive Introduction
May 24-25 & May 31, and June 1 in Saint Louis, Missouri
In-person, Saturdays and Sundays, 9 am - 5 pm
This course is pending NCCAOM approval for 28 PDA hours.
People of the Global Majority/BIPOC Equity Rate: $947
Early Bird Rate: $997 paid by March 31st
Full Tuition: $1,100
A 5-Day Comprehensive Introduction
August 2-3, 23-24 & September 13 in Portland, Oregon
In-person, Saturdays and Sundays, 9 am - 5 pm
Zoom check-ins on August 7 and September 4th both Thursday evenings, 6 - 7 pm
People of the Global Majority/BIPOC Equity Rate: $1187.
Early Bird Rate: $1,247 paid by March 31st
Full Tuition: $1,400
Course Description:
When you take a Comprehensive Introductory Seminar, you’ll learn the complete fundamentals of the Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis system. You’ll receive an in-depth overview of everything from taking a simple pulse rate to pulse interpretation and treatment planning. Our dedication to small student-teacher ratios means that you’ll receive 1-on-1 guidance from Certified Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis Instructors and will have lots of opportunities to practice and gain comfort in immediately applying these clinically-relevant palpation skills.
Course Objectives
Recognize fundamental pulse qualities
Learn the typical and derivative interpretations of various pulse presentations
Learn how to properly palpate and interpret findings on large segments of the pulse
Learn how to palpate the principal and complementary positions
Gain a solid foundation in pulse diagnosis, enabling you to embark on a journey toward tactile and didactic mastery of this or any other pulse diagnosis system
Curriculum and Materials Provided
This seminar consists of five in-person days and two remote meetings. The in-person sessions include both hands-on and lecture formats to optimize your exposure to and learning of a vast amount of information and hands-on skills.
When you sign up for an Introductory Seminar, we’ll send you a video introduction to the topics we’ll be covering during the course. We’ll also provide you with a PDF of the Introductory Shen-Hammer handbook as well as any other relevant course materials.
Course Prerequisites
This course has no prerequisites and is appropriate for students and practitioners who have not yet taken an introductory seminar. This course is for you if you've never taken an Intro Seminar and would like to build a firm foundation in all that is Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis. This course is also for you if you’ve previously taken an Intro and who’d like to further hone your Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis knowledge and skills (we offer up to a 50% discount to returning students). We also teach all-levels Intromediate Seminars for those who’d like to try out a one-day offering, and weekly classes for those who’d like to immerse themselves in the Shen-Hammer system on a regular basis.