The Dragon Rises Wellness Blog
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Our Continued Association: A Tribute to Dr. Hammer
Dr. Hammer’s teachings and axioms have been and remain the cornerstone of my understanding of Chinese medicine. And in my years of studying with other teachers, I’ve never encountered another teaching that doesn’t align with these core tenets.
“The Problem With People Is That They’re Annoying”, or, Learning To Be Curious
Other-people-are-annoying tropes are all over the place: when your roommate (...spouse, kid, or whoever) leaves dirty underwear on the bathroom floor? Annoying. Your friends’ or partners’ little idiosyncrasies that were endearing at first? Annoying. The sounds of your lunch mate’s chewing, the kids crying, a restaurant roaring with so many voices that you can hardly hear yourself think? Annoying, an-NOY-ing, ANNOYING!
The New Home of Dragon Rises
We chose to be called “Dragon Rises Center for Wholeness” for three main reasons: the name honors our Chinese medicine roots, it reminds us how fierce each person’s healing potential truly is, and it keeps us grounded in the belief that every individual--whether in need of a little support or a complete lifestyle overhaul--is inherently whole.