The Dragon Rises Wellness Blog
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Welcome to the Month of the Rooster!
...So the symbol of the Rooster, more than simply a signal of the coming day, is about “waking up” to the transformations taking place around us that are just dawning, whatever they may be...
Welcome to the Month of the Monkey!
The beginning of the month of the Monkey marks a pivot point in the year, where we move into a season of social animals. The year starts with…
Welcome to the Month of the Goat!
“This is a time to digest the experiences of the year so far and make sense of how we got here, and how we feel underneath all the rushing forward and outward appearances.”
Welcome to the Month of the Horse!
The Horse month is a time of full extroversion. After the awakening of the Dragon and the transformation of the Snake, we now stand in the warm glow of the sun at its apex, feeling the new selves we have become…
Welcome to the Month of the Snake!
The old saying “April showers bring May flowers” perfectly captures the symbol of the Snake and this time of the year, which is all about Transformation. If the Dragon month of April sets the stage, during the Snake month of May we get to sit back and watch the dynamic processes set in motion last month continue to play out.
Welcome to the Month of the Dragon!
Welcome to the Month of the Dragon!
As the natural world buzzes with activity, we too find ourselves drawn to social connection and outdoor pursuits. This season invites us to reawaken connections, both with nature and each other…