Welcome to the Month of the Horse!
The month of the Horse surrounds the peak of summer in the agricultural calendar and is marked by the Summer Solstice.
The Horse month is a time of full extroversion. After the awakening of the Dragon and the transformation of the Snake, we now stand in the warm glow of the sun at its apex, feeling the new selves we have become, bathed and warmed by the sunlight, brought to the fullest expression of our vitality and being.
Practically, this next month is a time to get out and get active. The Summer Solstice arrives before the oppressive heat of late summer, making it the perfect time of year to be outdoors – warm enough to feel comfortable, but cool enough to be active.
Classical lifestyle prescriptions for this time of year recommend working up a sweat regularly, which helps to promote circulation and balance your body with the environment – letting out the old and bringing in the warmth of the sun.
This is a time to wake early and enjoy the bounty of fruits, berries, and vegetables. Mild and sweet foods, waking early, and exercise together create a relaxed lifestyle of enjoyment and pursuing pleasurable experiences. Chase your joy! The past months have been about growing and becoming the new version of ourselves for the year of the Dragon.
Now is the time to cut loose and enjoy being the best version of yourself!
It is also important to note that now is not the time to indulge in feelings of anger. So, while indulging and relaxing this month, don’t fixate too much on needing things to go as planned. Attend to your work in career, relationships, and personal cultivation. In those moments between the big tasks, let go and allow yourself a moment or – better yet – an entire day blocked off with no plans at all, just to do what feels right.
Written by Paul Arellano
Photo Credit: Arista Gates